Bugz Bunny Memorial

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July ? 1999 -- September 29, 2004

Bugz Bunny
Bugz sitting on his quilt. Photo taken at about a year old.

Geneva, Switzerland, September 29, 2004

Bugz Bunny, miniature French lops rabbit, age 5, went over the rainbow this afternoon. He suffered a cardiac arrest from an otherwise banal medical procedure. Bugz leaves behind his bereaved family, Kit , Jeff and Reid.

Bugz came to us almost exactly five years ago today. One September night, out of the blue, Jeff received a phone call from a classmate wanting to know if he would like a baby rabbit. She’d acquired the rabbit, cage and the whole nine yards without asking her parents’ permission first. When I found out her parents refused to let the bunny stay one night at their home, I told Jeff the rabbit could come to our place for just one night. I thought I’d be able to find a home for it elsewhere the next day.

The next morning I had to make an unpleasant phone call, and it turned out to be much more unpleasant than I’d anticipated. Devastated by what I heard, I staggered past the rabbit cage to my room. As I glanced at the bunny, he stood up on his hind legs, crossed his forepaws, cocked his head with his floppy droopy ears, looked at me with big liquid eyes, and seemed to say to me, “I love you.” That was it; I decided he could stay.

I really thank God for the five years Bugz and I shared our home together. He was a great comfort and faithful companion, and I don’t regret a single day with him, even counting his legacy of shredded sheets and stripped wallpaper. Our last day together was a typical perfect day. Last night he ate his favorite dinner, corn-on-the-cob, with great relish. This morning before I took him to the vet, we capped off a playful game of tag with a wonderful bonded moment as I scratched his nose and he clicked his teeth in contentment.

Bugz’s departure was an unexpected shock, and we’re filled with grief. Reid and I were able to spend precious moments saying good-bye to our beloved companion at the vet’s this afternoon. Nonetheless, I believe in God’s perfect timing. I expected to have Bugz on hand for a normal lifespan of eight years for a healthy, happy house rabbit that he was. God, who engineered rabbits with racing heartbeats, knew what He was doing when he gave me a baby rabbit five years ago. I trust that God in His infinite wisdom has deemed that Bugz accomplished the task he was sent to do in our lives.

Bugz has gone over the rainbow, and I now look for the rainbow as a sign of the hope of peace.

Reid took this photo about a year ago.
(Can anyone can give me a tip on how to make this photo clearer?)

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
Genesis 9:16